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작성자 Mitch
댓글 0건 조회 5회 작성일 24-09-26 12:27


Another favourable feature is the fact that a single capsule contains from 4000 to 8000 seeds, and one tobacco plant may easily produce from 500,000 to 1,000,000 seeds. To destroy the seeds, &c., of weeds, and the larvae of insect pests, a fire is often lighted, kept from the ground itself by intervening wood logs, or the seed-bed is thoroughly steamed. Once the bird flies into the prime area, press the shutter button down completely, fire off a burst of shots, and - fingers crossed! This Shutter Door Machines can be customized in assorted ways and we have professional solutions and rich experience to satisfy the diversified needs of customers and the market. The greatest possible care is bestowed on the preparation of the seed bed-it must have good, very rich soil in fine tilth, be protected from winds, and yet well exposed to sunlight; the southern or south-eastern slope of an open place in a forest is often selected. A general description has already been given of the methods of cultivation and preparation. An artificial aroma is sometimes given to tobaccos, especially for the "fillers" of cigars, by saucing or treating the leaves with a solution containing an infusion of fine quality tobacco stems, rum, sour wine and various flavouring materials such as oil of aniseed, tincture of valerian, powdered cloves, cinnamon and liquorice.

Where the clay is exposed on the surface the heavy type of tobacco is produced, and bright tobacco where the clay is covered by from 12 to 20 in. Plants may be found growing side by side, the one with broad leaves, the other with narrow, but by selection the broad type can be perpetuated and gradually improved. 2. Versatile: The machine can create cable trays in a wide range of materials, including stainless steel, aluminum, and galvanized steel. Each stage of the sheet metal processing field has its own special range of machinery. Perique tobacco is worthy of special notice. The temperature is raised, during three to five days, from about 90° F. to 140° F. for primed leaves, or 160° to 175° F. for tobacco on the stalk. These may be all placed under curing, but it is usual to recognize three stages: (1) curing proper; (2) fermentation; and (3) ageing.Curing. By whichever way treated, the tobacco leaf after curing is brittle and cannot be handled without crumbling to powder.

Artificial heat may be resorted to in bad weather; in the States, cigar tobaccos and "White Burley" are usually cured in this way. Mexico is an important tobacco-producing country, and Mexican leaf is largely used in Europe for cigar wrappers and other purposes. The other tobacco-producing provinces in order of importance are Havana, Santa Clara and Santiago de Cuba. In November 1492 a party sent out by Columbus from the vessels of his first expedition to explore the island of Cuba brought back information that they had seen people who carried a lighted firebrand to kindle fire, and perfumed themselves with certain herbs which they carried along with them. The seed is sown in nursery beds, and the plants set out in the field later. No attempt should ever be made to raise large crops of tobacco from imported seed, but only a small crop, and the seed of the selected plants should be used for future propagation. The successful production of cigar tobaccos from Cuban and Sumatran seed was a development of the late 19th century. The leaf known as "Vuelta Abajo," produced in the province of Pinar del Rio, is perhaps the best cigar leaf of the world.

As the United States of America produce more tobacco than any other country it will be best to deal generally with conditions there and to refer to marked differences in dealing with production in other countries. N. tabacum, the Virginian tobacco, a native of some part of Central or South America and now cultivated in almost all temperate and warmer countries. The plant has alternate, simple, oblong-lanceolate leaves, those at the lower part of the stem being slightly stalked. Next come the "regalias," similarly made of the best Vuelta Abajo tobacco; and it is only the lower qualities, "ordinary regalias," which are commonly found in commerce, the finer, and the "vegueras," being exceedingly high-priced. Once you’ve found a nice spot, keep relatively still. A positive result means a specific pathogen was found. Tobacco being cultivated over such a large area of the world, under very varying climatic conditions, and by many different races of mankind, the methods employed in its production naturally differ very considerably. But they introduced the technology to the current races. The yield of leaf is often much increased, the plants are protected from the weather, and the enhanced value of the crop much more than repays the very considerable expense involved in artificially shading whole fields.

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